Pengaruh Premi Panen Kelapa Sawit Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di PT Ukindo Kabupaten Langkat


  • Enrico Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Agro Tekonologi Universitas Prima Indonesia Author
  • Myrna Pratiwi Nasution Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Agro Tekonologi Universitas Prima Indonesia Author


Premi panen kelapa sawit, Kepuasan kerja, Kinerja Karyawan


This study analyzes the provision of harvest premiums and the level of job satisfaction in the company at PT Ukindo Langkat Regency. The harvest premium itself means additional cash wages given to employees in the form of appreciation for employee performance, while job satisfaction is a
form of comfortable feeling felt by employees in the scope of their work, whether it is getting colleagues who can be invited to work with or getting a firm and responsible boss. The location that will be carried out by the author is PT. Ukindo which is located in Kuala Langkat District, Langkat
Regency. The number of samples used was 50 people using the Purposive Sampling method which means the entire population at the selected research location as a sample. This study uses validity tests and reliability tests in checking the questionnaire answers from the respondents, while the data analysis uses a multiple linear regression test using SPSS version 25. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the study is that harvest premiums have a significant influence on employee performance at PT Ukindo Langkat Regency, while job satisfaction does not have a significant effect on employee performance at PT Ukindo Langkat Regency.

