Analisis Pendapatan, Bumbu Giling, Pendapatan PedagangAbstract
ABSTRAK : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Untuk mengetahui tingkat keuntungan dan kelayakan terhadap pendapatan pedagang bumbu giling di pasar tradisional kota perdagangan dan sekitarnya. (2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Biaya Penyusutan Alat, Biaya Bahan Pembantu, Biaya Lokasi dan Biaya Bahan Baku terhadap pendapatan bumbu giling di pasar tradisional kota perdagangan dan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini dilakuan di Pasar Tradisional Kota Perdagangan dan Sekitarnya. Lokasi ini dipilih karena memenuhi seluruh aspek yang diperlukan dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Juni - Juli tahun 2022. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 3 pasar, ditentukan dengan pertimbangan aspek lokasi dari besarnya pasar. Dengan pertimbangan aspek besarnya letak lokasi pasar dengan demikian lokasi pasar yang menjadi sampel yaitu Pasar Terminal Baru, Pasar Simpang Dosin, dan Pasar Kucingan.. Responden di penelitian ini adalah tentang jumlah pedagang bumbu yang ada diketiga pasar sampel jumlahnya sebanyak 30 pedagang bumbu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode sensus yang merupakan pengambilan sampel berdasarkan dengan kriteria-kriteria tertentu yaitu para pedagang bumbu giling yang sudah berjualan minimal 4 tahun. Hasil penelitian masalah diketahui bahwa Usaha pedagang bumbu giling menguntungkan layak untuk diusahakan karena dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwasanya pada pasar terminal baru R/C>2,14, pada pasar simpang dosin R/C>2,21, dan pada pasar kucingan R/C>2,15 artinya usaha bumbu giling untung untuk dikembangkan. Secara R2 0,694 yang artinya bahwa sebesar 69,4% dijelaskan biaya penyusutan alat, biaya bahan pembantu, biaya lokasi dan biaya bahan baku, sisa selisihnya 30,6% lainnya dipengaruhi atau dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak masuk dalam penelitian ini. Sedangkan uji F 14,200 dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000<0,05. Secara parsial (uji t) tidak semua variabel berpengaruh, dimana biaya penyusutan alat tidak berpengaruh nyata dan tidak signifikan, biaya bahan pembantu berpengaruh nyata dan signifikan, biaya lokasi tidak berpengaruh nyata dan tidak signifikan, dan biaya bahan baku berpengaruh nyata terhadap usaha bumbu giling.
ABSTRACT : Era Nur Vira "Analysis of Income of Milled Seasoning Traders at Traditional Markets in the City of Commerce and Surroundings" which was supervised by Mrs. Ir Romauli Simanjuntak, M.Sc., as the Chair of the Supervisor and Mr. Ir. Jhonson A. Marbun, M.Sc., as Advisory Member.This study aims to: (1) To determine the level of profitability and feasibility of the income of ground spice traders in traditional markets in trading cities and their surroundings. (2) To determine the effect of Equipment Depreciation Costs, Auxiliary Material Costs, Location Costs and Raw Material Costs on the income of ground spices in traditional markets in trading cities and their surroundings.This research was conducted at the Traditional Markets of the City of Trade and its Surroundings. This location was chosen because it meets all the aspects needed in the research. This research was conducted in June - July 2022. The samples used in this study were 3 markets, determined by considering the location aspect of the size of the market. Taking into account the size aspect of the market location, the market locations that were sampled were the New Terminal Market, Simpang Dosin Market, and Kucingan Market. Respondents in this study were about the number of spice traders in the three sample markets, totaling 30 spice traders. Sampling was carried out using the census method, which is sampling based on certain criteria, namely ground spice traders who have been selling for at least 4 years.The results of the research problem show that the business of selling ground spices is profitable and worth pursuing because from these results it can be concluded that in the new terminal market R/C>2.14, in the dosin intersection market R/C>2.21, and in the catfish market R/C C>2.15 means that the ground spice business is profitable to develop. R2 is 0.694, which means that 69.4% is explained by the cost of equipment depreciation, auxiliary material costs, location costs and raw material costs, the remaining 30.6% difference is influenced or explained by other variables not included in this study. While the F test is 14.200 with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05. Partially (t test) not all variables have an effect, where the cost of equipment depreciation has no significant and insignificant effect, auxiliary material costs have a significant and significant effect, location costs have no significant and insignificant effect, and raw material costs have a significant effect on the ground spice business.