Development Strategy, Agro-Industry System, LemangAbstract
Riaunaldi Juari Sitanggang, Lemang Agroindustry System Development Strategy (Case Study in Tebing Tinggi City). Under the guidance of Ir. Jhonson A. Marbun, M.Si (Supervisor I) and Dr. Roeskani Sinaga, S.P, M.Si (Supervisor II).Agro-industry is an activity that utilizes agricultural products as raw materials, designs and provides equipment and services for these activities. The development of the lemang agro-industry is quite bright because there are many consumers who are interested in lemang products whose processed products consist of glutinous rice.One of the agro-industrial products that can be used as raw material is glutinous rice (Oryza sativa glutinosa) which is processed into lemang. Glutinous rice is a rice variety that belongs to the Graminae family. Glutinous rice contains carbohydrates which are quite high, namely around 80%, about 4% fat, 6% protein and 10% water. In addition to the carbohydrate content contained in it, there is also a higher calorie, calcium and phosphate content compared to ordinary rice. Glutinous rice also contains various types of minerals and vitamins B1 and B2. The softening properties of glutinous rice are affected by the gelatinization temperature and the concentration of rice gel.Glutinous rice is one of the raw materials for making lemang. Lemang is a popular traditional food in Indonesia. Initially, lemang was a typical food that was usually served on holidays and various other celebrations. However, nowadays lemang has become a food that is usually eaten daily and as a side dish for durian and even today lemang is one of the typical souvenirs from the City of Tebing Tinggi.Tebing Tinggi City is a service and trade city where the processing of agricultural products in Tebing Tinggi City is dominated by household-scale food industries, including peanut cakes, chips, crackers, lemang, tofu processing, brown sugar, and others. Until now, in the city of Tebing Tinggi, the food industry that is still popular and the main attraction is lemang. The position of the City of Tebing Tinggi is very strategic because it is a cross-tourism city which has been developed as a stopover and is an opportunity in itself to develop the people's economy. Currently, many people are doing lemang culinary business. The rapid development of this business has resulted in intense competition between producers.This study aims to determine the performance of agro- industry to Lemang Business in Tebing Tinggi City, to determine Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats faced by lemang agro-industry in Tebing Tinggi City, and to determine the development strategy of Lemang Business Agro-industry in Tebing Tinggi City.The method of determining the research area was carried out purposively. This lemang development strategy was analyzed descriptively with interviews and field observations. Then an analysis was also carried out regarding the agro-industrial system for lemang entrepreneurs and sellers with simple linear regression analysis,This research was conducted in the City of Tebing Tinggi. There were 17 respondents from entrepreneurs and 15 respondents from sellers using simple random sampling. Consists of 3 locations.Based on the results of interviews that researchers conducted with lemang entrepreneurs and sellers, they were able to meet welfare indicators.Based on the test results, the development strategy for the lemang agro-industry system in Tebing Tinggi City is based on the performance of the agro-industry for the lemang business, in the use of raw materials and supporting materials that are sufficiently available, the processing equipment for lemang is also sufficiently available, but some lemang entrepreneurs replace tools, namely bamboo into aluminum molds that resemble shapes bamboo where the mold can be used repeatedly is not the same as bamboo which is used only once in production, in the use of labor it is also quite available where the workforce uses labor within the family and labor outside the family, in producing the lemang business production costs and revenue it generates a large enough income so that it can promise to make ends meet. Based on the SWOT analysis, it is located in quadrant I (Aggressive Strategy) and the strategy used is the S-O (Strenghts-Opportunities) strategy, which means that the strategy for developing the lemang agro-industry system in Tebing Tinggi City is to utilize strengths and maximize opportunities