Dissemination of Provisions for Bad Credit Perspective of Creditor Risk on Guarantees That Do Not Belong to the Debtor at the People's Credit Bank Nusantara Bona Pasogit 6


  • Lenny Mutiara Ambarita Fakultas Hukum Universitas Simalungun




Credit Bank, Debtor


In this highly developed global era, legal developments will never run out for research and study. Agreements made verbally/in writing are still binding on the parties, and do not eliminate, both the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement. However, for ease of proof, references to working together and carrying out transactions, should be made in writing. This is also intended, so that if there is a difference of opinion, they can refer back to the agreement that has been agreed upon. In fulfilling the administrative requirements before entering into a debt acknowledgment contract made by PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat NBP 6 Tanah Jawa with debtors or customers, marketing tends to not understand administration or requirements regarding the basis of rights that require royalty, transfer of certificate names, whether it is the transfer of inheritance or transfer of sale and purchase name, split certificate and application for land registration. For the sake of realizing good and correct administration as well as outreach to the public through marketing, and to prevent confusion in administrative completeness, we choose to do this service as a teaching process for human resources at PT.BPR NBP 6




How to Cite

Ambarita, L. M. (2023). Dissemination of Provisions for Bad Credit Perspective of Creditor Risk on Guarantees That Do Not Belong to the Debtor at the People’s Credit Bank Nusantara Bona Pasogit 6. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sapangambei Manoktok Hitei, 3(2), 183–186. https://doi.org/10.36985/jpmsm.v3i2.867