Analisis Efesiensi Pemasaran Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit Petani Rakyat Di Desa Silau Jawa Kecamatan Bandar Pasir Mandoge Kabupaten Asahan


  • Rivandi Manurung Program Studi Agribisnis, Falkutas Agro Teknologi, Universitas Prima Indonesia Author
  • Kristini Manullang Program Studi Agribisnis, Falkutas Agro Teknologi, Universitas Prima Indonesia Author
  • Laura Juita Pinem PUI Agro Sustainable Center UNPRI Author


Agriculture, Efficiency, Marketing Channels


This research aims to determine marketing channels, the number of marketing channels and the efficiency of smallholder oil palm marketing in Silau Jawa Village, Bandar Pasir Mandoge District, Asahan Regency. The sample of this research is all smallholder oil palm farmers in Silau Java Village 83 sample. smallholder oil palm farmers 73 sample, 2 collecting traders and a population of 8 large traders. The sampling technique used was Snowbal Sampling. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis. There are two marketing channels for fresh fruit bunches (FFB) that farmers in Silau Java Village use to market the fresh fruit bunches (FFB) they produce, a). Farmers, Collecting Traders, Wholesalers, and Palm Oil Factories. b). Farmers, Wholesalers and Palm Oil Factories. Share margin in the first channel is 98.74%, while in the second channel it is 79.93%. The marketing margin on the first marketing channel is IDR 25, and on the second channel IDR 494. The efficiency of each marketing channel is included in the efficient category. The most efficiency is the second marketing channel because
it has the smallest efficiency value namely as big as 5,79%.


