The Effect Of Internal Audit Implementation And Risk Management On Lending Policies People's Business In The Covid-19 Period At PT. Bank Sumut Centre Medan
Internal Audit, Risk Management, People’s Business Credit Granting Policy Under Covid - 19Abstract
This study aims to examine the effect of the implemention of internal audit and risk management on the policy of granting people’s business loans in the covid-19 period. In this study using primary data in the form of distributing questionnaires conducted at PT Bank Sumut Pusat Medan, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling with data collection techniques using a questionnaire method. The analysis used in this study uses the methods of validity, reability, data normality, classical assumptions, coefficient of determination t test and f test. The results of this study indicate that internal audit has a partial effect on the policy of granting people’s business loans at covid-19 with a tcount value of 7.472 at a significant level 0f 0.003. Risk management partially affects the policy of granting people’s business credit during covid- 19 with a tcount value of 7.432 with a significant level of 0.000. Internal audit and risk management simultaneously affect the policy of granting people’s business loans during covid-19 with a fcount value of 92.717 with a significant value of In addition, the adjusted R square value of 0.859 means that internal audit (X1) and risk management (X2) together affect the policy of granting people’s business loan during covid-19 by 85.9% while the remaining 14.1% is influenced by other variables outside of this study

Copyright (c) 2024 Duma Megaria Elisabeth, Farida Sagala, Ivo Maelina Silitonga, Rintan Br Saragih, Anggiat Manurung (Author)

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